Overcoming a Rocky Start to Breastfeeding with Ashley Woole


High Blood pressure, unplanned C-section, meconium aspiration, tongue tie, lip tie, reflux, postpartum hospital re-admission, and oversupply….😱 OMG.


Is it even possible to exclusively breastfeed after all these complications?!


We have all had clients or friends who have had some of these obstacles thrown at them as they enter parenthood. It may leave some of us saying, ‘What else could possibly go wrong!?’ …or ‘is even possible to get my baby back to breastfeeding?’

In this weeks Birth, Babies & Boob Business by Milk Diva, podcast episode…

We hear from Ashley Wooley, a first time mother who experienced all the things listed above. Ashley pulls back the curtain and discusses her journey through a traumatic birth, oversupply, re-admission to the hospital (which also meant separation from her baby) torticollis, and tongue & lip tie.


Ashley shares about all the thing no one tells you about navigating through complex breastfeeding issues and the importance of finding the right team.



➡️ You need a little hope that breastfeeding can work despite a rocky start.


➡️ You want to support someone who is trying to figure our how to maneuver breastfeeding challenges.


Listen to Episode 12 and learn how this remarkable mother overcame some major infant feeding challenges on my Podcast, Birth, Babies & Boob Business by Milk Diva!


Here are a couple of topics we discussed:



2:36 How did you know that you should call a Lactation Consultant?
10:01 Dealing with postpartum hormones
13:16 Is there a thing that you would do differently with your lactation journey?
14:33 How long did you have to wait to see a Lactation Consultant once you left the hospital?
17:47 Ashley's experience with an Infant Physical Therapist
26:00 How soon after the release, did you start to see improvement?
30:30 If you could go back in time and give yourself some advice, what would it be?
32:58 Who should you see if you are having breastfeeding issues?
36:38 How much time did it take to get things on the right track
39:10 Ashley's Pumping Journey & Back to Work


Mentioned in this episode:


-->Get your Free Newborn Feeding Cheat Sheet Here


MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Please know that all opinions expressed on this podcast are solely my own and not intended to substitute the advise of a medical provider. I am not a medical doctor and all information shared is intended for your general knowledge and is geared towards full term, healthy singleton infants and healthy, low-risk pregnant or postpartum women.