Episode 37: Hormones & Milk Supply: What You Need to Know


In the intricate dance of womanhood, hormones play a leading role, orchestrating everything from mood swings to reproductive cycles. But beyond their well-known functions, hormones wield significant influence over one of the most fundamental aspects of motherhood: lactation.

In episode 37 of our podcast, we dove deep into the fascinating realm of hormonal changes during perimenopause and their impact on breastfeeding. Let's explore why understanding this dynamic relationship is crucial for every breastfeeding mother.

The Perimenopausal Transition: A Journey of Hormonal Flux

Perimenopause marks the transitional phase leading up to menopause, typically occurring in a woman's 40s but sometimes starting as early as her 30s. During this period, hormonal fluctuations, particularly in estrogen levels, can cause a myriad of changes in the body. While perimenopause is often associated with symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings, its effects on breastfeeding are equally significant yet less discussed.

Navigating the Intersection of Perimenopause & Breastfeeding

For mothers in their 30s and 40s who are still breastfeeding, understanding how perimenopause influences lactation is paramount. Estrogen, a key hormone in reproductive health, plays a crucial role in mammary development and milk production. As estrogen levels fluctuate during perimenopause, they can impact the quantity and quality of breast milk, posing challenges for breastfeeding mothers.

Insights from Laurel Wilson: A Seasoned Expert

To shed light on this complex topic, we were joined by Laurel Wilson, a renowned expert in maternal health and wellness advocacy. With over thirty years of experience as a doula, lactation consultant, educator, and speaker, Laurel brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. Her expertise spans across various domains, including epigenetics, the microbiome, nutrition, and sleep.

The Significance of Estrogen in Breastfeeding

During the podcast episode, Laurel highlighted the pivotal role of estrogen levels in pregnancy, lactation, and overall women's health. Estrogen influences mammary development during pregnancy, preparing the breasts for milk production. However, fluctuations in estrogen levels during perimenopause can disrupt this process, affecting milk supply and composition.

Understanding the Estrobolome: A Key Player in Hormonal Balance

One fascinating aspect discussed in the episode is the estrobolome, a collection of gut bacteria responsible for metabolizing estrogen. The balance of the estrobolome is crucial for hormonal metabolism and overall health. Disruptions in the estrobolome can lead to hormonal imbalances, exacerbating symptoms of perimenopause and affecting lactation.

Strategies for Optimizing Hormonal Balance

While navigating perimenopause and breastfeeding simultaneously may seem daunting, there are strategies to optimize hormonal balance. Laurel shared valuable insights into managing hormonal fluctuations, emphasizing the importance of nutrition, sleep, and lifestyle factors. By prioritizing self-care and adopting a holistic approach to health, women can support their hormonal health during this transitional phase.

Practical Recommendations for Breastfeeding Mothers

In addition to discussing the intricacies of hormonal changes, the episode offered practical recommendations for breastfeeding mothers.  One of the practical recommendations in line with our discussion on maintaining hormonal balance, we recommend enhancing your skincare routine with natural cosmetic brands that offer clean, minimal-impact makeup options. 

One of my favorite products is a high-quality facial oil known for its nourishing properties and organic ingredients. You can elevate your skincare routine with this Facial Oil. Additionally, achieving a flawless complexion while supporting your hormonal balance is possible with a tinted moisturizer that provides SPF protection and a natural, clean formula. Consider incorporating this Tinted Moisturizer into your skincare regimen for added benefits.

From understanding the estrobolome to exploring natural cosmetic options, listeners gained actionable insights to enhance their breastfeeding journey. By incorporating these recommendations into their daily routine, mothers can navigate perimenopause with confidence and clarity.

Empowerment Through Knowledge

Ultimately, episode 37 of our podcast served as a beacon of empowerment for breastfeeding mothers navigating perimenopause. By understanding the intersection of hormonal changes and lactation, women can make informed decisions about their health and well-being. Armed with knowledge and insights from experts like Laurel Wilson, listeners are better equipped to embrace the transformative phases of womanhood with resilience and vitality.

Conclusion: Embracing the Journey

In essence, understanding the intricate relationship between hormones and milk supply is essential for every breastfeeding mother. By delving into topics like perimenopause, lactation, the microbiome, and the estrobolome, we empower women to navigate the beautiful journey of motherhood with confidence and clarity. So let's embrace the wisdom of our bodies and celebrate the miraculous journey of breastfeeding amidst the ebbs and flows of hormonal change.

As we conclude our exploration of hormones and milk supply, it's evident that perimenopause represents a significant yet manageable phase in a woman's life. By embracing the journey with curiosity and openness, mothers can navigate the complexities of hormonal changes with grace. 

We hope this episode has provided you with valuable insights and inspiration to embrace the transformative power of womanhood. Stay tuned for more engaging discussions as we continue to explore essential topics in women's health and wellness.