It’s October … leaves falling, jack-o-lanterns carved, pumpkin spice everything … and pink ribbons. Despite being overshadowed by the current worldwide pandemic, Breast Cancer Awareness Month (signified by the pink ribbon) is still the celebrated cause this month.
Some people with cancer are using breastmilk as part of their treatment. Because of the promising HAMLET research, cancer patients are wondering if consuming breastmilk as a part of their treatment regimen could help. While there’s no current evidence to support this practice, some people think it could boost a patient’s immunity when they are undergoing chemotherapy.
While breastfeeding does reduce the risk of breast cancer, it doesn’t completely eliminate the possibility. Your breasts may feel lumpy when the glands fill with milk. But if you developer a lump that doesn’t go away, if the lump feels fixed in place (as opposed to moveable), or if the skin of the breast is puckered (and looks like orange peel), you should seek the advice of your healthcare provider. Mammograms can be done on the lactating breast – the emptier the breast before the procedure, the better. Ultrasound and MRI are also compatible with a milk filled breast. Both biopsy and surgery can be done even if mom is lactating. A cancer diagnosis while breastfeeding may mean weaning – working closely with a lactation consultant as a part of your care team will help during such a difficult situation.
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Anstey, E. H., Shoemaker, M. L., Barrera, C. M., O’Neil, M. E., Verma, A. B., & Holman, D. M. (2017). Breastfeeding and breast cancer risk reduction: implications for black mothers. American journal of preventive medicine, 53(3), S40-S46.
Chowdhury, R., Sinha, B., Sankar, M. J., Taneja, S., Bhandari, N., Rollins, N., Bahl, R. and Martines, J. (2015), Breastfeeding and maternal health outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Paediatr, 104: 96–113. doi:10.1111/apa.13102
Ganju, A., Suresh, A., Stephens, J., Palettas, M., Burke, D., Miles, L., … & Ramaswamy, B. (2018). Learning, Life, and Lactation: Knowledge of Breastfeeding’s Impact on Breast Cancer Risk Reduction and Its Influence on Breastfeeding Practices. Breastfeeding Medicine, 13(10), 651-656.
HAMLET, a new concept for cancer therapy.
Johnson, H. M., Mitchell, K. B., & Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. (2020). ABM Clinical Protocol# 34: Breast Cancer and Breastfeeding. Breastfeeding Medicine.
Kotsopoulos J, Lubinski J, Salmena L, Lynch HT, Kim-Sing C, Foulkes WD, … & Ainsworth, P. (2012). Breastfeeding and the risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers. Breast Cancer Research, 14(2), 1.
Lööf-Johanson Margaretha, Brudin Lars, Sundquist Marie, and Rudebeck Carl Edvard. (2016). Breastfeeding Associated with Reduced Mortality in Women with Breast Cancer. Breastfeeding Medicine, 11(6): 321-327. doi:10.1089/bfm.2015.0094.
Palmer JR, Viscidi E, Troester MA, Hong C, Schedin P, Bethea TN, Bandera EV, Borges V, McKinnon C, Haiman CA, Lunetta K, Kolonel LN, Rosenberg L, Olshan AF, Ambrosone CB, (2014). Parity, Lactation, and Breast Cancer Subtypes in African American Women: Results from the AMBER Consortium. JNCI J Natl Cancer Inst 106 (10): dju237. doi: 10.1093/jnci/dju237
Stuebe AM, Willett WC, Xue F, Michels KB. (2009). Lactation and Incidence of Premenopausal Breast Cancer A Longitudinal Study. Arch Intern Med. 169(15):1364-1371. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2009.231
Svanborg C, Ågerstam H, Aronson A, Bjerkvig R, Düringer C, Fischer W, Gustafsson L, Hallgren O, Leijonhuvud I, Linse S, Mossberg AK, Nilsson H, Pettersson J, Svensson M. (2003). HAMLET kills tumor cells by an apoptosis-like mechanism—cellular, molecular, and therapeutic aspects. Advances in cancer research, 88, 1-29.